Pirate Questions

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1. In your own words, what is a Pirate? Why did so many sailors turn to a life of piracy?
A pirate is somebody who works on one boat with the goal of stealing goods from another boat. I think sailors turn to piracy for the same reasons anybody turns to a life of crime. Even though there is a chance of being caught and punished, for some the risk is worth the reward of gaining wealth quickly. Also, in comparison, being a sailor that followed the law was harder work and less pay. If you’re going to work hard, why not do so and get more in return?

2. Who were known as Buccaneers? How was their name derived? What were their other nicknames? When and where did they live? What became their goal or mission?
Buccaneers were privateers who mainly attacked Spanish ships and cities in the Caribbean. Their crews were also generally larger than other pirates. Their names derived from the word buccan which was a wooden frame used for smoking meat. Buccaneers called themselves privateers. They lived in the Caribbean in the late 17th century.

3. Who were Privateers? Who commissioned Privateers? What was their purpose or goal?
Privateers were “pirates” with a Letter of Marque which was a commission from a government to attack and seize goods on enemy ships. They were then required to split the goods with the government that issued the Letter of Marque.

4. Do you think Privateers were pirates or patriots?
I think they were pirates because, in general, I think privateers were fighting to gain wealth and the government “contact” was a necessary evil, whereas a patriot may get paid to fight, but their first goal is generally to protect their government.

5. What is a Letter of Marque? Why were they issued?
A Letter of Marque was issued by a government to a pirate that allowed that pirate’s ship to sail and attack enemy ships of the government without fear of prosecution from said government. This was a good way for governments to protect their own shipping interests without attempting to extinguish piracy all together.

6. In what ways were pirates engaged in democratic governance?
Buccaneers started the tradition of democratic governance among pirates. The ships’s captain was elected to serve and could be disposed of at any time by a vote.

7. What symbols are used on pirate flags?
The first pirate flags were red which was meant to signify blood. Later, the black pirate flags were meant to signify death. The hourglass was a symbol that meant your time was up. Symbols would let the potential victims know whether they were to be captured, or murdered, and possibly murdered quickly or painfully slow.

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  1. Thanks.

    Woody Trathen


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