Response to Teacher’s Sites

The two biggest take-aways I got from looking at the teacher’s sites were 1) killing multiple birds with one stone (i.e. combining, say, a science lesson with a language arts lesson) and 2) using technology to provide a sense of accomplishment within students.

We’ve discussed combining subjects in class many times.  I like how these teachers combined, in general, a science curriculum with a language arts curriculum.  The common way of doing this seems to be by publishing a book of what the class learned.  This is an important lesson because as teachers, we have a limited amount of time to get things done.  The more efficiently we can work, the less stress will be on us, our students, parents, etc…

The other thing I like is being sure to use technology in the classroom to enhance “old school” assignments.  I remember making books when I was in elementary school… Eh… I never got a big rush out of it.  I do remember “checking out” our published book from the classroom so that I could bring it home and show my parents and that was cool.  So I would think the idea of putting your students work on the internet for parents, grandparents, other family, etc. to see would be really cool for the students.

One response to this post.

  1. Thanks Adam. Let me know when you get to block. Thanks for the Alta link…..

    Woody Trathen


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