About Me…

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My fiance Travis and myself in Nags Head, NC

Lets see… My name is Adam Berk and I’m 28 years old.  I’m originally from Buffalo Grove, Illinois which is just outside of Chicago.  I earned a bachelors degree from Alaska Pacific University in Outdoor Studies and a minor in Education in June of 2007.  I’m back at ASU in the elementary teacher licensure program because teaching is something I’ve always wanted to do, but didn’t quite have the focus and/or academic drive to complete back when I was a much less intelligent lad of 19.  I’ve been living in North Carolina now for one year with my now fiance Travis who’s getting her masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at ASU.

If I were to choose now what grade I would like to teach, I would go with second grade for two reasons: 1) Like most people I’ve found who choose to go into teaching, I had a spectacular teacher in second grade, also a male teacher, and what he did simply inspired me to want to do the same.  And 2) In earning my Education minor from APU, I was required to do practicum hours in classrooms.  I worked with kindergarten, second grade, and fourth grade.  My experience was that the kindergarten was more like day-care than school.  The fourth graders were staring to get into their image and developing a social hierarchy that I could sense the moment I walked into the room.  To me, the second graders were cool because they didn’t seem to know yet that they needed to TRY to be cool.  They were just existing and doing what they needed to do without too much worry of what others thought.  It was a very comfortable place for me to be and it seemed like a great age where kids are learning more than just how to read and write, add and subtract.

Okay, before I go continuing on to pontificate on myself and write the first volume of my memoirs, entitled “ME,” I think I should make myself stop here.


Enjoying a cerveza after the hike up and before the ski down in Hatcher Pass, Alaska.

One response to this post.

  1. Thanks Adam. I think it helps sometimes to live a little before you focus on your career. I did that as well.

    Woody Trathen


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