Hunger Games Ch. 1-3

What do we learn about the setting- this world that the author gives us?

  • Katniss lives in a part of District 12 nicknamed the Seam.  The Seam is known for producing coal (page 4).
  • District 12 is secured by a high, chain-link fence with barbed wire loops on top.  The fence is supposed to be electrified, however, there is rarely enough power for it to be running 24/7 (page #4).
  • Outside the fence of District 12 are dangerous, wild animals that Katniss refers to as “flesh-eaters” (page #5).
  • “District Twelve.  Where you can starve to death in safety.” (Page #6)
  • The Hob is a black market in District 12 that is located in an abandoned coal warehouse.  (Page #11)
  • People who live in the Seam are hungry.  “No one in the Seam would turn up their nose at a good leg of wild dog…” (Page #11)  “Starvation’s not an uncommon fate in District 12.  Who hasn’t seen the victims…”  (Page #28)
  • There are 12 districts in the country of Panem. (Page #13)
  • “The square’s surrounded by shops, and on public market days, especially if there’s good weather, it has a holiday feel to it.”  (Page #16)
  • “The square’s quite large, but not enough to hold District 12’s population of about eight thousand.”  (Page #17)
  • This world takes place in some distant future:  “He tells of the history of Panem, the country that rose up out of the ashes of a place that was once called North America…” (Page #18)
  • “District 12 is the laughingstock of Panem…”  (Page #19)
  • “All forms of stealing are forbidden in District 12.”  (Page #29)
  • On page # 41, Katniss describes the layout of Panem.  The Capitol is built in a place once known as the Rockies.  District 12 is in a place once known as Appalachia.
  • While Katniss is eating dinner with Effie, Effie comments, “At least, you two have decent manners…”  (Page #44).  Upon hearing that he manners pleas Effie, Katniss begins to eat with her fingers.  This shows that Katniss was taught proper manners, but she is also spiteful and passive aggressive.
  • A resident of the Capitol comments, “…that District 12 has always been a nit backward but local customs can be charming.”  (Page #46)
  • “District 12 is pretty much the end of the line.  Beyond us, there’s only wilderness.  If you don’t count the ruins of District 13 that still smolder from the toxic bombs.”  (Page #83)

What do we learn about Katniss?  What is she like?  What are her character traits?

  • Katniss is extremely “old” for her age.  She takes on a lot of responsibilities that you wouldn’t expect from a girl her age.  On page #3, Katniss expresses “The last thing I need is another mouth to feed.”  She already takes on the responsibility of feeding her younger sister, her mother, and herself.
  • Katniss either does not have, or refuses to use, the filter between her brain and her mouth.  On page #6, Katniss mentions how she used to scare her mother by yelling out her opinions about the people in charge of Panem, and the Capitol.
  • “To be honest, I’m not the forgiving type.” (Page #8)
  • Prim is Katniss’s younger sister and the only person in the world that Katniss is certain that she loves.  (Page #10)
  • Katniss is 16 years old and her name will be in the reaping 20 times.  (Page # 13)
  • “You look beautiful,” Prim says to Katniss.  Katniss replies “And nothing like myself.”  (Page #15)  This shows that Katniss does not feel comfortable when she’s dressed up.
  • Katniss is connected.  She has acquaintances in high places that provide her protection.  “I could be shot on a daily basis for hunting, but the appetites of those in charge protect me.  Not everyone can claim the same.”  (Page #17)
  • Katniss’s last name is Everdeen.  (Page #17)
  • Katniss’s father died in a coalmine accident.  (Page #22)
  • Haymitch describes Katniss as having “Spunk!”  (Page #24)
  • When Katniss is saying goodbye to her family, she insists that Prim is not to take any tesserae.  (Page #34)
  • “People deal with me, but they are genuinely fond of Prim.”  (Page #38)

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